Strangers Are Only Friends We’ve Never Met.’

Hebrews 13:1-25
‘Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers’(1). If the love of Christ is to flow freely among us, there can be no place for ‘us and them’ thinking - ‘He’s not one of us. They’re not our kind of people. They’re strangers - they don’t belong here’. This kind of attitude is a contradiction of the love of Christ. We must remember: ‘Strangers are only friends we’ve never met.’ We sing, ‘What a Friend we have in Jesus’(Mission Praise, 746). Do we show His friendship to strangers? We must never underestimate the importance of a ‘friendly welcome’(11:31). If there is no ‘friendly welcome’, word will soon get around - ‘They’re not very friendly’! This is not just a matter of saying the ‘right words’. It’s about being the right kind of people - people who care enough to be friendly!
Blessings in Christ
Christ in all the Scriptures

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