"One Thing I Know ... I Was Blind, Now I See."

John 9:1-41

Empowered by God, Jesus gives sight to the blind man (3,6-7).

‘The Pharisees’ hear the man’s testimony (15). ‘Some of’ them reject the Lord (16,24).

There will always be those who refuse to believe in the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ. They will pour scorn on those who have come to know the Lord.

The man gives his testimony: ‘One thing I know... I was blind, now I see’ (25). The Pharisees continue to fire questions at him (26).

He puts the most challenging question to them: ‘Do you too want to become His disciples?’ (27). They hurl insults at him (28).

Fools attack what they don’t understand. The more they rage, the more they show their folly.

We say, ‘Lord, I believe’, and our spiritual ‘eyes’ are opened (38; 2 Corinthians 4:6).

Don’t be ‘blind’, despising the believer and the Saviour (39-40; 2 Corinthians 4:4).

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